Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Hunting for the Top Job

Representative Duncan Hunter (R-California) stunned political pollsters today with an announcement that he was forming an exploratory committee to run for the presidency in 2008. There have been many articles on the subject, from the basic AP feeds to more in-depth commentary. Hunter, who serves the 52nd Congressional District, a district to the east of San Diego and running along the Mexican border, has been an outspoken critic of the immigration policy.

The Los Angeles Times reports that Hunter would use two main issues in his campaign, support for the U.S. Military and opposition to illegal immigration. Hunter is 52 years old and has been a Congressman for more than 25 years. He is currently chairman of the Armed Services Committee, a position he is likely to lose if the Democrats take control of the House.

While Hunter is expected to be reelected next week, his opponent, Navy veteran John Rinaldi, was on the fringes of the news conference crowd. He called Hunter's announcement a stunt to draw attention away from serious issues. "He has about as much chance of being president as I do of becoming Miss America," Rinaldi said.

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