Sunday, October 01, 2006

37 days and counting

On my other blog, I frequently comment on politics. I am a political junkie. I love talking about politics. I am involved in Democratic politics in Maryland, where I live. I am watching very closely the races around the country and have decided to start this blog to follow the 2006 midterm elections and then get an early start on the 2008 presidential contest.

There are a number of sites out there that are handicapping the races around the country and I will use this site to focus people on the important races and perhaps get them more involved in politics. We can only be successful at implementing change if it starts with us! Watch the links at the right so you can check out the races where you live.

Let's start by making sure you are registered to vote! In most states, you have plenty of time to get your registration in. Additionally, most states allow you to register to vote when you renew your driver's license. Here are instructions on how to register in Maryland. "Now VOTE damn you!" - John Adams to Edward Rutledge, 1776.

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